So, hooray! You landed that new client! That is great news and I’m sure you anguished over what they thought about your proposal and how many hours of research and writing went into the strategy, but now all of that is over right? Wrong!
Not only is it not all over it’s only just begun. Here are 5 steps to a successful new client on-boarding program.
1) Revisit the proposal.
Not only revisit it, comb through all the strategy and every written word again and again. There is a good chance you haven’t looked it over since you sent it out which could have been weeks, if not months, ago. Remember your brilliance and research? Well if not, go find it again in that written masterpiece.
2) Build a working timeline.
Expectations. It can be a new client killer if they’re not matched between parties. It’s almost a “post-proposal” guide for your client on how your services will be delivered. Space out your deliverables so as not to overwhelm new clients in the first 60 days. Go and even draw out a calendar. This helps keep you honest and your client happy.
3) Be consistent.
New client relationships can be exciting but they also need to stay consistent throughout the campaign. If you meet with your client once a month and have weekly conference calls, keep that form. Do NOT change things up unexpectedly. Your level of service is important and your word and integrity are equally important. Be honest to yourself and your team. Lead with your actions and the rest of your team will follow suit and realize that this is good business practice.
4) Reporting.
It’s true there is a level of reporting involved. Shocker, I know. Maybe your client expects this, maybe they don’t, but it really doesn’t matter – you need to report on the success and failure of your efforts. If there is success, great. Tell the story with specific data points as to why this strategy worked. Showcase your Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
If there is a failure (which I must attest happens to everyone) it’s OK don’t get too flustered. Adapt. This is an opportunity to fix something. Come up with a plan of action to solve this dilemma and mitigate the problem quickly and efficiently.
If your campaign is a year or six months think about surveying your client once at mid cycle and again at the end about how they feel about your company and the program.
5) Send them some fun stuff!
Keep things creative with sending them a small gift and handwritten thank you with your logo on the gift somewhere. This leaves a lasting impression: that you really appreciate their business and that you care about the wellness of your client.
Now go out there and land your new client and build a long lasting great relationship. And remember the good work and planning too!